Iwan Brioc

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Coming to Our Senses

There's a new mindfulness and theatre curriculum on the block. Coming to Our Senses is an 8 week course. Sessions last 90 - 120 minutes a week and involve learning mindfulness practices and trying out some experiential learning processes to deepen the practice.We have completed the first iteration of this new mindfulness and theatre curriculum with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board staff. The project being run by Theatr Cynefin is funded by Arts Council Wales Arts, Health and Wellbeing fund.I've really enjoyed delivering the course and collaborating with Sarah Gregg. Sarah has developed a Journaling for Flow methodology which we have integrated into the course and it is working so well.We will run the second in autumn with and view to compiling a compelling case study. In 2024 we will scope viability to scale up and deliver the course more widely through the NHS. If you think you would be interested in hosting the course more details are available on the cynefin.org site and please feel free to get in touch.